The Haunted Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago

Posted by junketseo in Chicago Ghost Tours
The Haunted Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago - Photo

Nestled in the heart of Lincoln Park, Illinois, the Lincoln Park Zoo spans 35 acres and boasts a legacy dating back to 1868. As the fourth oldest zoo in North America, it has witnessed a myriad of wildlife and many phantoms. Home to over 200 species of animals and a majestic Burr Oak tree that predates the founding of Chicago itself, the zoo is steeped in both natural and otherworldly history.


Why is the Lincoln Park Zoo haunted?


The Lincoln Park Zoo sits on land that was once occupied by Chicago’s dearly departed. Keep reading to uncover the hauntings of this popular attraction, and to see some of Chicago’s most haunted in person, book a ghost tour with Windy City Ghosts!


The Beginnings of a Legendary Zoo


The zoo’s origin story begins in 1868 when the Lincoln Park Commissioners received a gift of two pairs of swans from the Central Park Board of Commissioners in New York City. This initial gift was soon followed by donations of elk, wolves, peacocks, and a puma. In 1874, the zoo made its first purchase: a bear cub from the Philadelphia Zoo for a mere $10. This cub, known for its Houdini-like escapes, was often found wandering Lincoln Park at night.

In 1884, the zoo celebrated the birth of the first American bison born in captivity, a significant event given the bison’s near-extinction in the wild at the time. Under the direction of Cy DeVry from 1888 to 1919, the zoo expanded its collection and infrastructure, acquiring its first elephants and monkeys and constructing new habitats for lions, gorillas, and great apes. The 1940s marked a period of ongoing innovation, further solidified by establishing the Lincoln Park Zoological Society in 1959.


The Dark Side of Chicago


Chicago is renowned as one of the most haunted cities in America, with a history marred by tragedy and death. From the battle of Fort Dearborn to the Great Chicago Fire and the infamous Eastland disaster of 1915, the city has seen its fair share of calamities. Lincoln Park itself was the backdrop for some of the bloodiest gang violence, including the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. The park was also the scene of the notorious “Tylenol Murders,” where a flight attendant was found dead after purchasing cyanide-laced capsules.

The eerie reputation of Lincoln Park Zoo is closely tied to its location on land that once served as Chicago’s original city cemetery. Efforts to relocate the bodies were interrupted by the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, which obliterated many gravesites, leaving the spirits restless.

The fire that ravaged Chicago in 1871 claimed around 300 lives, destroyed 3.3 square miles of the city, and left 100,000 residents homeless. The inferno’s aftermath rendered the city unrecognizable, with significant portions of its infrastructure reduced to ashes. Amid this devastation, the exact locations of many graves were lost, leading to the belief that the area, including the zoo, is haunted by those who never found peace.


The Haunted Lincoln Park Zoo


The Lion House basement is particularly notorious for ghostly activity. Women have reported seeing figures in Victorian clothing reflected in the restroom mirrors. Some believe that spirits can become trapped in mirrors, and the infinite reflections might confuse them. Staff members have heard strange voices, including a man shouting, “Get out!” and another spirit pleading, “Will you look at me?”

Other entities in the Lion House express a desperate desire to leave the zoo, suggesting they feel trapped. Shadowy figures have also been captured on camera in the women’s restroom. It’s speculated that this restroom might be situated over an especially active part of the old cemetery.

The zoo and the surrounding Lincoln Park are rife with unexplained phenomena. Visitors and staff often experience a heavy atmosphere, with reports of nausea and lightheadedness. Despite efforts to relocate the remains, the park may still conceal up to 10,000 unmarked graves disturbed by the Great Chicago Fire.


Haunted Chicago


Have you ever visited Lincoln Park Zoo and felt an otherworldly presence? The spirits of the original cemetery might still be seeking attention and help to move on.

For more spine-chilling stories, visit our blog and follow US Ghost Adventures on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. To uncover Chicago’s most haunted in person, take a ghost tour with Windy City Ghosts!

